Deciding to seek out counselling and support does not have to feel scary. It is an important sign that you are ready to improve your situation while in the safety of a caring relationship. My background in Psychiatric Nursing along with 30 years of counselling experience has given me the gift of listening and learning from my clients about the things that get in the way of their happiness. I have also learned and experienced the awesome potential that lies within all of us to rise above our struggles, to reach the goals that we have set for ourselves. I am a certified crisis counsellor by the American Association of Suicidology and am a member of the Ontario Association of Mental Health Association in good standing.
Counselling Room #16 McKenzie Rd. Strathclair
Specializing in the following areas:
Stress Management and Resiliency
Relationship Issues
Crisis Management


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Simply fill out the ‘Contact Us’ form on this site and submit. A free 15 minute phone call will be arranged to discuss your needs. We want to ensure that all your questions are answered, and the service is the best fit for you.